A meeting of Save the Children’s partners convened

Save the Children is a non-religious, independent international organization that supports the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and operates in more than 120 countries. The meeting of partners of Save the Children’s program in Mongolia was held on September 17, 2024, in Ulaanbaatar.

The purpose of this meeting was to involve partners in the development of the strategic plan of Save the Children in Mongolia for 2025-2027 and to solicit their opinions. Bayan-Altai L., Country Manager and Representative of Save the Children in Mongolia, opened the event and said, “Save the Children updates its strategy every three years. We are finalizing our strategy for 2022-2024 and our partners were invited to participate in the development of our strategic plan for the next three years, 2025-2027. I would like to thank our stakeholders,  representatives of ministries, state institutions and local partner organizations for coming to the strategic meeting”.


Save the Children operates in the main areas of child protection, child rights governance, education, child poverty, health and humanitarian emergencies. During the meeting, Save the Children in Mongolia presented its 2025-2027 strategic proposals, projects and programs.

As well, the stakeholders presented the amended law on child protection, the priority policies of the government on child protection, education and health sectors, and the challenges faced by children in rural areas. For example, Oyunaa P., Head of the Integrated Policy Planning and Implementation Department of the Ministry of Education presented on the challenges faced by children in education sector.

Myagmar J., Head of the Department of Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education, said, “Enrollment in pre-school education of herders’ children is 52-53 percent, so there is a room for improvement. Relevant policies are issued by the Ministry of Education and support is required to ensure their execution. As well, girls need support to prevent pregnancy and get involved in reproductive health programs.

Sainjargal B., Head of the Social Policy Department, Governor’s office, Uvurkhangai Province, said, “Based on our research, we identify the following five challenging issues. First, there is a need for girls’ sexual integrity, and secondly, awareness about climate change. It requires the ability to mitigate and adapt. Thirdly, there is a need to improve the environment for development, education, and participation. Fourth, toxic habits and high consumption of e-cigarettes. Fifth, there is a need to raise awareness of gender-based violence and take measures to reduce GBV. In this regard, I briefly introduce and suggest working together on four points.

For example, a project needs to be implemented to reduce gender-based violence and toxic habits of girls, to provide reproductive health education, and to improve the environment for children’s development and participation, as well as to provide entrepreneurship education and climate change education. We are willing to work together to reduce the influence of stereotypes and outdated traditional understanding in these areas”.


On the other hand, the governor of the Nalaih district, Ankhbayar Kh., highlighted, “We have started implementing a project to mitigate climate change with Save the Children in Mongolia. Further, we would like to cooperate in other fields such as education, health, and environment. For instance, priority areas are to increase access to education, improve health care services, including health education for children, create awareness on dental diseases, improve understanding and response to disasters, and instill the skills to protect oneself and others”.

This meeting was attended by the representatives from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Protection, General Authority of Child and Family Development and Protection, the Government Implementing Agency Forestry Department, Nalaikh District’s Governor’s Office and Uvurkhangai Province’s Governor’s Office.