“Enabling Equity to Advance Learning” Project
Project Goal
Save the Children Japan in Mongolia is working as a Grant Agent under the “Enabling Equity to Advance Learning” Project which is financed by the Global Partnership for Education and implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science for the three years (2022-2025).
The project will be focusing on three education sector priorities, Inclusive Education, School Feeding Programs, and Blended Learning which will be supported by multiplier partners – JICA, KOICA, Save the Children, and other development partners in Mongolia. The overall project goal is to improve access and quality of learning through inclusive approaches.
Target Area of the Project
Key Interventions
We work to improve the learning environment and conditions for children with disabilities and the capacity for mainstream primary and lower-secondary schools to provide learning support for these children. The project also enables a safe environment to produce nutritionally balanced and hygienic school lunch. We support the improvement of the nutritional status of the most marginalized children and children with special dietary needs. We work to improve policy and regulatory framework to implement blended learning as well as to create a contextually appropriate blended learning model and pilot it at target schools.