“Монгол Улсад хүүхэд хамгааллын тогтолцоог бэхжүүлэх нь” төсөл (2018-2022 он)

Хүүхдийг Ивээх Сан “Монгол Улсад хүүхэд хамгааллын тогтолцоог бэхжүүлэх нь” төслийг 2018-2022 онд Японы Олон улсын хамтын ажиллагааны байгууллага (ЖАЙКА)-гийн санхүүжилттэй Гэр бүл, хүүхэд, залуучуудын хөгжлийн газар, Монгол Улсад Гэмт хэргээс урьдчилан сэргийлэх ажлыг зохицуулах зөвлөлийн ажлын албатай хамтран хэрэгжүүллээ. Энэхүү төсөл нь орон нутаг дахь анхан шатны нэгж болох хүүхэд хамгааллын хамтарсан багуудыг чадавхжуулж, олон нийтийн хүүхэд хамгааллын талаарх ойлголтыг нэмэгдүүлснээр хүүхэд хамгааллын тогтолцоог бэхжүүлж, үйлчилгээг сайжруулах зорилготой байв. Уг төсөлд Улаанбаатар хотын Баянзүрх дүүргийн 9, 23, 27-р хороо, Сонгинохайрхан дүүргийн 2, 10,11-р хороо, Чингэлтэй дүүргийн 9, 10, 13-р хороо, Архангай аймгийн Эрдэнэбулган сумын 4-р баг, Батцэнгэл, Чулуут, Хайрхан сум, Дорнод аймгийн Хэрлэн сумын 1-р баг, Баян-Уул, Халх гол сум хамрагдсан байна.

Төслийн хүрээнд хүүхдийг хүчирхийлэл, дарамт, үл хайхрал болон мөлжлөгөөс хамгаалах, урьдчилан сэргийлэх хууль эрх зүйн орчинг бүрдүүлж, төрийн байгууллагын хүүхэд хамгааллын үйлчилгээ бэхжиж, сонгогдсон зорилтот орон нутаг дахь анхан шатны нэгжийн (хамтарсан багийн) хүүхэд хамгааллын үйлчилгээний механизм бүрдэж, олон нийтийн хүүхэд хамгааллын талаарх ойлголт нэмэгдсэн байна.

Төслийн үр дүнд хүүхэд хамгаалал болон хүүхдийн эсрэг хүчирхийллийн хариу үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх хамтарсан багийн чадавх сайжрав. Мөн эрсдэлт нөхцөлд байгаа хүүхэд, гэр бүлд хамгааллын үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх хамтарсан багийн гишүүдийн кейс менежментийн үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх мэдлэг, ур чадвар дээшилж, эцэг, эхчүүдийг хүмүүжлийн эерэг арга сургалтад хамруулж, тэдний хүүхэдтэйгээ харилцах мэдлэг, ур чадварыг нэмэгдүүллээ.  Түүнчлэн хүүхэд, гэр бүлийг хүчирхийллээс хамгаалахад иргэд, олон нийтийн ойлголтыг нэмэгдүүлэх нөлөөллийн ажлыг хамтарсан багууд зохион байгуулах чадвартай болов. Үүний зэрэгцээ хүүхэд хамгааллын тогтолцооны тогтвортой байдлыг хангах чиглэлээр үндэсний түвшинд тодорхой бодлого шийдвэрүүд гаргаж, хамтарсан багийн үйлчилгээний чанарыг дээшлүүлэхийн тулд салбар дундын болон олон талт хамтын ажиллагааг оролцогч талуудын дунд бэхжүүллээ.


I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests, representatives, and colleagues here with us today. On this beautiful occasion, one thing unites us all: our shared commitment to the children of Mongolia. We have gathered here as individuals who have dedicated our hearts and souls to ensuring a brighter future for these children. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the 30th anniversary of Save the Children’s establishment in Mongolia, and I wish you all success and happiness in the years to come Thirty years ago, in 1994, Mongolia embarked on a challenging and transformative journey, shifting from a centrally planned economy to a market economy. During the early years of this transition, the well-being of the population suffered. Unemployment and poverty soared, while the quality and availability of education, healthcare, and social services significantly declined Unemployment and poverty became urgent social issues, with poverty affecting 36.3% of the population by 1995. School dropouts became widespread, both in urban and rural areas. During that period, many families lost their sources of income, leading to a rise in alcoholism, family breakdowns, and an alarming increase in the number of orphans and children living on the streets. By the mid-1990s, the number of children without proper care or supervision had reached several thousand. It was during this challenging time that Save the Children established its presence in Mongolia, launching projects and programs focused on child protection, education, healthcare, and social welfare Founded in England in 1919, Save the Children has grown to operate in 120 countries worldwide. Save the Children Mongolia was established in 1994 with the support of Save the Children UK, and since 2009, it has been managed by Save the Children Japan. Over the past thirty years, we have implemented projects and programs valued at approximately $40 million, with support from more than 80 donor organizations across 20 countries This represents a long-term, sustainable investment in the survival, development, protection, education, and participation of Mongolia’s children. Over the years, Save the Children has implemented approximately 245 projects and programs, including 122 focused on child protection and child rights governance, 64 in education, 35 in humanitarian and disaster relief, 15 in healthcare, and 9 in other areas Dear guests, united by the shared goal of advancing the well-being of Mongolian children and youth It is a pleasure to highlight that Save the Children began its work by strengthening the child protection system and promoting a child rights-based approach. Over the years, Save the Children has made significant contributions to the field of child protection, playing a key role in the establishment of a national child protection system. Methodological support was provided to train social workers to lead child protection efforts, and in 1997, the first group of professionally trained social workers began their work. In addition, we have supported and empowered children to voice their opinions, engage with their governments, and gain a deeper understanding of democracy and human rights. In addition to fostering an environment of equal access to education for all children, we have implemented—and continue to implement—inclusive education programs for herder children, whether they are raised in kindergartens or at home. We also implement projects and programs aimed at reducing child poverty by supporting parents. Additionally, based on children’s active participation, we provide personal skills and entrepreneurship education that align with the demands of today’s labor market, preparing them for future employment opportunities Healthy children are the future of our country. For this reason, Save the Children implements health projects in remote rural soums, supports local health centers, and provides health education to children Our organization successfully implemented a project to enhance the response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, providing essential equipment to hospitals across all aimags and soums of Mongolia, while also organizing capacity-building training for healthcare workers in a short timeframe. Due to the impacts of climate change, our country has experienced a repeated occurrence of natural disasters such as floods, droughts, and dust storms. Over the past 30 years, we have swiftly implemented emergency relief projects in aimags and soums affected by these disasters. Many of our humanitarian programs have been delivered in a timely manner, offering both emotional and material support to countless children and parents. Dear guests, Mongolia’s economy is growing and making significant strides, yet challenges related to child protection and education persist. Child poverty is on the rise, and violence against children remains a serious concern. Children with special needs still face barriers to fully and equally participating in education. Children's health, particularly oral health, lags behind international standards. Additionally, new challenges are emerging, including those linked to climate change and natural disasters, while issues such as peer bullying and cyber safety continue to increase. In the coming years, Save the Children will continue to work tirelessly alongside you to address these critical issues. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our domestic and international funding organizations and partners, whose valuable contributions have supported the children and youth—who are the future of Mongolia—and who have been with us every step of the way. Happy anniversary to all the employees, partners, parents, and children who have shaped our history and continue to do so together. May every child grow up joyful, healthy, educated, and with their rights fully protected. Every child is precious. Thank you for your attention.

Country Manager and Representative of Save the Children in Mongolia L.Bayan-Altai

Хүүхдээ эерэг аргаар хүмүүжүүлэх нь чухал. Аливаа зүйлийг уураар биш эвээр, эерэгээр ойлгуулах ёстой гэдгийг би сургалтаас мэдэж авсан.

Сонгинохайрхан дүүргийн 10 дугаар хорооны иргэн Ч.Даваадорж

Сургалтад суухаас өмнө хүүхдээ цохиод авах тохиолдол надад байсан. Сургалтын дараа хүүхдүүддээ аливааг эвээр хэлж, ойлгуулдаг болсон.

Сонгинохайрхан дүүргийн 10 дугаар хорооны иргэн Ш.Оюунгэрэл