A model classroom was set up for pre-service teachers at the Teacher’s School
A model classroom was set up for pre-service teachers at the Teacher’s School, Mongolian State University of Education by Save the Children’s project “Strengthening schools to nurture effective school readiness and learning experiences in first grade children of Mongolia”.
The opening ceremony took place on 22 February, 2018 at which professors from the University and representatives of Save the Children Mongolia highlighted the importance of establishing such a classroom, designed for students undertaking degrees in primary school teaching.
“We believe that these teaching aid materials and learning kits, including books, toys, printers and bookcases (valued at MNT 10M) will help pre-service teachers to become familiar with the specific development patterns of 6-year old children and to master the best methodologies for working with them,” said Mr.Hiroshi Okamoto, Japanese Grant Manager, Save the Children in Mongolia.
“I hope that this model classroom will help future primary teachers nurture the development of first graders, ensuring that they get a good start to their education. I believe that these learning materials will be really useful for students to gain practical experience”.
More information about the project –> Click here
A model classroom was set up for pre-service teachers
Opening ceremony at Teachers’ School
Model Classroom Tag