The US-based “DENAN project” was implemented in Tariat soum of Arkhangai province from 2012 to 2022. The project is operational in Erdenemandal soum, Arkhangai province since 2017, and in Chandmani soum, Gobi-Altai province since 2022. The Denan project provides financial support to soum hospitals to procure equipment, apparatus, medicines and laboratory reagents. Regular medical examinations take place in the soums, and different activities are conducted to improve public health education and advocacy for children and youth.
Target Area of the Project
Key Interventions
The project’s main interventions are to improve medical services of soum hospitals, help train medical personnel, provide medical equipment and supplies and improve public health in target soums. Within the project, we established a dental cabinet in Chandmani soum, supported hiring a dentist and provided with necessary medical supplies to ensure a smooth operation of the clinic. In 2023, we handed over a new ambulance to Chandmani soum hospital.
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Save the Children is a worldwide, non-religious, non-political, and independent children's rights organization. We have been working in Mongolia since 1994.
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