“Together” awareness raising campaign reached 3.107.326 people on social media

“Together” awareness raising social media campaign was carried out from January 29 to February 20, 2024 within the framework of the “Promoting inclusive education for every last child-2” project implemented by the Save the Children Japan, Mongolia. This campaign aimed to improve the knowledge and understanding of parents, the community, and school staff about inclusive education, promote inclusive culture, and disseminate project results and best practices. As part of the “Together” campaign, a series of videos, posters, success stories, reel videos and discussions were released and delivered to the public.


To highlight some of the contents, D.Amarsanaa’s video “Giving happiness to others is the greatest gift” reached a total of 824,030 people, while B. Ariunbileg’s video “If the family is full of love, life is full of hope” reached a total of 745,243 people. Also, the success story of B. Badamgarav, a teacher of school #79 was read and shared with others by 85,706 people. The “Together” social media campaign received 3,107,326 views on Facebook and 4,061 views on Instagram.

The contents of this awareness raising campaign were published on the social platforms of Save the Children Japan, as well as on the pages of the Ministry of Education and Science and the General Agency of Education. In addition, Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan posted video works on his website, which reached many people.

A survey was conducted with the aim of measuring the results of the “Together” social media campaign, and determining and evaluating the knowledge and attitude of the respondents and content reach. Sharing the results of the survey, 92% of the teachers chose the optimal answer “Provide the opportunity for all children to learn together and provide educational services suitable for the needs of each child.” when asking “What is inclusive education?” Compared to the results of the previous survey conducted in 2021, it shows that the project’s activities are paying off year by year, and teachers’ understanding continues to improve.