National Consultant for Reporting and Learning for Entrepreneurship-focused socioemotional skills for the most vulnerable youth in rural Mongolia Project
Save the Children is the world’s leading independent child rights organization for children, devoted to inspiring breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieving immediate and lasting change in their lives. From emergency relief to long-term development, Save the Children secures a child’s right to survival, protection, development, and participation.
Save the Children Japan, Mongolia (SCJM) is implementing a project titled “P-165310, Entrepreneurship-focused socioemotional skills for the most vulnerable youth in rural Mongolia” to support vulnerable youth in rural Mongolia. This objective is to be achieved through a school-based, community-driven program targeting 8,000 school-enrolled and out-of-school youth to support the acquisition of entrepreneurship-focused socioemotional skills that are not only linked to success in school but are also highly valued in the labor market. The project addresses the largely unmet need for socioemotional and entrepreneurship skills stemming from extremely limited labor market opportunities that lead to high inactivity among youth in these locations, and a job profile dominated by traditional herding, unpaid work, and self-employment in the informal sector.
Objective of the Consultancy
Save the Children Japan, Mongolia (SCJM) is seeking a National Consultant for Reporting and Learning to provide technical support in producing the project’s Implementation Completion Report (ICR) in compliance with the World Bank’s reporting criteria by conducting analysis on the project’s 5.5-year outcomes, results, and impact, and documenting the best practices and lessons learnt to ensure the sustainability of the project results beyond the project implementation.
Under the consultancy, the National Consultant for Reporting and Learning will be responsible for the preparation of comprehensive reporting of the project outcomes, results, and impact through ICR and producing a document to help ensure scaling up the project results by analyzing and employing the project best practices and lessons learnt.
A ToR for the National Consultant for Reporting and Learning is available at this link.
How to apply
If you are interested in applying for this consultancy, please submit the following documents:
- CV
- Cover letter
- Samples of similar works performed in the past
Please note that all documents should be submitted in English.
Office address:
Save the Children Japan’s Mongolia Country Office,
The 4th floor, Arizona Center, 1st Khoroo, Chingeltei district
Email address:
Required documents for the consultancy must be submitted by 5:00 pm on 25 February, 2025. Complete submission inclusive of required documents will be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted by Save the Children.