Establishing school-based child protection mechanism in Mongolia project (2023-2025)
Project Goal
The “Establishing School-Based Child Protection Mechanism in Mongolia” project, implemented by Save the Children Japan, Mongolia Office and generously funded by Save the Children Hong Kong, aims to cultivate a protective environment in 14 secondary schools and strengthen 14 Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) in the Khan-Uul, Bayangol, Chingeltei, Sukhbaatar, Bayanzurkh districts of Ulaanbaatar city, as well as Gobi-Altai and Khovd aimags.
Beneficiaries include public school teachers, staff, students, parents, caregivers, members of multi-disciplinary teams, and local government personnel. Key focus is on creating model practices that facilitate robust coordination and supervision between schools and local, prefectural, regional, and national child protection mechanisms, addressing prevention, early identification, and response to violence against children.
Target Area of the Project
Key Interventions
We work to establish in-school child protection mechanisms for prevention, early identification, and response to violence against children and
create model practices that facilitate robust coordination and supervision between schools and MDTs.
In addition, children will gain knowledge of their rights to protection and be aware of rights violations, understand whom, where, and how to approach in case of rights violations. By fostering child participation, the project equips children with essential skills to address challenges and serve as advisors within their peer groups. The voices of children regarding child protection issues will be raised to policymakers and major relevant organizations and reflected in advocacy efforts for the establishment of relevant policies and regulations.