“Strengthening the child protection system in Mongolia” (2015-2018)
Project name: “Strengthening the child protection system in Mongolia” (2015-2018)
- Project donor: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Project implementer: Save the Children, The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Mongolia, The Authority for Family, Child and Youth Development (AFCYD)
- Project duration: Three years (2015-2018)
Brief information:
The project “Strengthening the Child Protection System in Mongolia” was funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and implemented by Save the Children, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, and the for Family, Youth and Child Development (AFCYD). It was successfully implemented in 6 khoroos of Bayanzurkh, Songinokhairkhan, Chingeltei districts and in the bagh of Erdenebulgan, Khairkhan and Battsengel soums of Arkhangai province. During the three years of the project, activities were carried out to build the capacity of 9 multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) of local police officers, social workers and other officials to be the first to respond to children and families at risk, disseminate the project manuals and nationally developed child protection case management forms, and raise public awareness on child protection. The project benefited 28,637 children from 19,715 households in target 9 soums, baghs and khoroos.
Project goal:
To strengthen and sustain the child protection system in Mongolia and deepen the understanding of child protection in the community, so that all children aged between 0 and 18 years realize their right to protection from abuse and neglect.
Project objectives:
- Create a legal environment to protect and prevent children from violence, harassment, neglect, and exploitation, strengthen child protection services in government organizations
- Support child protection service mechanisms in selected local primary units (joint child protection teams), and
- Raise awareness of community on child protection.
Project target areas:
- Khoroo # 23, 27, Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar
- Khoroo #2, 10, Songinokhairkhan district, Ulaanbaatar
- Khoroo #9, 10, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar
- Khairkhan sum, Battsengel sum, bag #4 of Erdenebulgan sum, Arkhangai aimag
Project activities:
- Build the capacity of MDTs through training on child protection issues;
- Strengthen coordination between MDT members and the agencies to which MDT members are assigned
- Raise awareness in the community
- Introduce and influence relevant government agencies based on the lessons learned and achievements of the project.
- Advocacy to the relevant government ministries after compiling lessons learned and achievements of all activities from 1 to 3.
Project success and results:
- 165 MDT members from nine target sites attended training on child protection services and acquired a common understanding of how best to provide services for families and children.
- Results from the survey conducted at the end of the project showed that MDT members` knowledge and skills had improved by 80% compared to the baseline study in 2015. MDTs in the project’s target baghs, soums, and khoroos identified a total of 176 cases, referred 33 cases , transferred 13 cases, solved 48 cases and provided individual and family counseling to 204 children and families over the three years of project implementation.
- The child protection case management form developed under the project was approved by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection and adopted by MDTs throughout Mongolia. The new forms provide MDTs and courts with comprehensive information on the family situation and a professional assessment of their needs. This improves the quality of decisions made to protect children and families. Save the Children Mongolia conducted 149 face-to-face consultations, 107 group consultations, face-to-face consultations for 90 parents and 63 children, and 187 online and telephone consultations through Save the Children’s Child Protection Resource Center.
- A series of positive discipline trainings were conducted for 221 parents and caregivers to raise public awareness of alternatives to corporal punishment. The book “Mum and Dad” which encourages parents to use age-appropriate positive discipline with their children was published as part of the project and awarded the Positive Change Trophy 2017 by the Authority for Family, Youth and Child Development (AFCYD). Survey results show that MDT members’ understanding of the challenges faced by parents has increased significantly over the three years.
- A range of advocacy activities have been organized at policy and decision-making levels. The Project Steering Committee, led by the AFCYD Vice Chair, played an important role in disseminating a common understanding among stakeholders and integrating the project’s activities and impact at the policy level.