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30 years breakthroughs for Mongolian children

Хүүхдийг Ивээх Сангийн Монгол Улс дахь үйл ажиллагааны тойм (1994-2024)

Save the Children in Mongolia 1994-2024

Annual report – 2023

2023 Annual report for Save the Children in Mongolia

Endline survey report for the “Promoting inclusive education throughout primary and lower secondary education in Mongolia” project

Endline survey report for the “Promoting inclusive education throughout primary and lower secondary education in Mongolia” project

“Promoting inclusive education throughout primary and lower-secondary education in Mongolia” project’s Newsletter No.8

Protecting and rebuilding vulnerable pastoral households project summary 2016

Protecting and Rebuilding vulnerable pastoral households project summary 2016

Start fund project overview 2017

START Fund project overview 2017

Save The Children – Multipurpose dormitory 2018

Save the Children is introducing child friendly, multipurpose dormitory in 2018